LogoGarden Blog

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Social media tools you should know about for your small business.

13 New Social Media Stats, Trends & Tools You Should Know

Social media marketing is becoming more important to small businesses every day. In 2015, according to statistics from Shareaholic, social media drives almost one-third (31 percent) of visits to...

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5 Ways to Celebrate National Entrepreneurship Month

Happy National Entrepreneurship Month! Mark your calendars: November is designated as National Entrepreneurship Month (NEM), a time to celebrate the men and women who have the courage to take...

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3 Ways Video Marketing is Changing the Small Business Game

3 Ways Video Marketing is Changing the Small Business Game

It’s True: Video Marketing is Changing the Small Business Game

Each day, 100 million people watch at least one video

content marketing

A Dozen Easy Ways to Use Customer Stories for Social Media and Content Marketing

Customer stories can be effective for marketing your business across the social web. By creating new content and conversations based on these success stories, your brand and business can get free word-of-mouth marketing that extends further than traditional marketing tactics such as advertising can deliver.

10 Social Media Sites to Build Your Brand and Display Your Logo Design

Social media marketing is a great way to build your brand and increase exposure for your business for free. Use your logo design as your profile image across the social web to boost recognition and recall for your brand, and be sure to publish content that your target audience will find useful. Avoid direct selling. Instead, focus on building relationships that can lead to sales, and always make sure your content matches your brand image and promise.

3 Steps to Effectively Branding Your Blog

The brand of a business is not only what it aspires to be, it is also partly how your customers view it. Branding comes from the products you offer, the experience your customers receive, and the lifestyle associated with your business. Consumers head to company blogs to find this information as well as tips and tricks, and news relevant to their lives. Here is how to elevate your brand by focusing on branding your blog.

Brand Trends Include Social Media

Brand promotion and message dissemination has evolved significantly during the past several years. No longer are businesses tied to expensive logo designs, print, radio, and television advertising to spread their brand messages and promotions to consumers. Today, there are a wide variety of media opportunities that don’t have to break your marketing budget (including DIY logo design sites)… and one of your biggest low-cost marketing opportunities involves social media.

About the blog

Logo design tips and branding ideas for startup businesses from the experts at Logogarden.com

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