Success Story: LogoGarden Logo Helps Family Racing Team Pursue its Passion

Scott Giarratano’s children love motorcycle racing. They love the thrill. They love the competition. And Giarratano loves watching them race. What he didn’t love was the price tag.

Funding a motorcycle team is expensive. You either have deep pockets, or you have to find sponsors to defray the costs.

Racing is a unique business platform where teams don’t have a storefront or a local presence like traditional business. Teams travel frequently, and the closest thing to a storefront they have are their trailers. They do business trackside under a tent, not in a conference room. They need people to literally “buy into them” as a team through sponsorships in order to pursue their passion for racing. In short, they have to sell themselves as a brand.

A Logo Design Success Story

Launching the 3kracing brand

The need to look professional without breaking the bank led Giarratano to LogoGarden.

“LogoGarden inspired us to take our team to the next level and gave us a more polished appearance,” he said. “LogoGarden was a deciding point for us as a team. Once I created the logo, we made the decision to be serious about our racing future. It was a huge boost for our team because of the exposure.”

With their new professional appearance they were able to present themselves in a way that legitimized their team and took their racing to the next level.

New sponsorships lead to successful 2013

3kracing had an incredibly successful racing year in 2013 and simultaneously elevated themselves professionally.

After marketing themselves on a sponsor driven website with their new logo they were immediately able to gain great sponsorships that may have not been possible without their new professional appearance.

Congratulations to the Girratano family and 3kracing on all of their success. They understood that having a logo with a professional look opened them up to many more possibilities.

Instead of just creating a logo and holding onto it, they found ways to use it to promote their business.

What you can learn from 3kracing’s success?

Here are five takeaways from 3kracing’s success that could apply to your business:

  1. Create matching business cards that include your logo to instantly legitimize your business and improve accessibility.
  2. Storefront or not, a decal is an easy and effective way to promote your business while you are on the road.
  3. Include it on anything business related you send out whether that be an email or a letter.
  4. Wear it. Create custom t-shirts using your logo design to build brand recognition.
  5. Base all marketing materials off of the colors in your logo.
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