We tend to take the power of fonts for granted and simply pick what appeals to us without thinking about the message we want to convey. However, the importance of correctly using a font can never be understated.
Whether you are a big global corporation, a small family run business, or one man or woman with a website, your logo is the most assessable representation of your business, of you, and of what people can expect.
It is often one of the first introductions people get to you or your product, and as we all know, first impressions are everything.
In this article you will discover the power of fonts and how using those for logo effectiveness can bring your business to a whole different level.
Making a logo that is nice to look at isn’t as easy as you might think, and this is because the way we view fonts and shapes is incredibly complicated.
For example, certain shapes send out certain subconscious messages to the brain; triangles are seen as power symbols which is why they are often used in religion and law, whereas circles are perceived as a sign of friendship and unity.
Before you design a logo, or you pick a logo, don’t just think about the way it looks, also take into account the content of the logo and how it makes you and others feel.
Have you ever looked at a sign or billboard, not knowing or caring about the product that was advertised, but being transfixed anyway? This is because the font and the imagery appealed to you in some way; fonts have that power. Looking at long flowing calligraphy can be indescribably satisfying, so it will do you good to remember picking the right type of font can be the perfect way to entice people.
As I mentioned above, the introduction that a lot of people have to a product (and at times a person) is through a logo. And when the logo is the focal point and the only tool you have at your disposal to convey a message to your audience, you have to use it wisely.
Just look at heavy metal bands; heavy metal bands use fonts that are in-line with the ferocity and imagery of the music, to stand out from other genres, and be identified by certain members of the public. This is why Iron Maiden’s logo isn’t written in cursive calligraphy, the font has to match the band’s image and message; the same goes for both companies and individuals.
When advertising, you can say a lot without using words because the power of imagery appeals to a lot of people. Simply picking a font that you think looks nice isn’t enough; you need to pick a font that represents you and your message in the right way.
Fonts have the power to communicate a particular perception to the viewer. Fonts allow you to control your image and how your intended audience perceives you. If you use fonts in a smart way, you will be able to create a reputation and identity for yourself, your company or your product without having a tangible history.
One of the biggest worries when starting any business is how said business will be perceived, and one of the best ways to get your vision into the minds of others is through the power of fonts and logos.
There are no two ways about it; fonts are incredibly important. The fonts, logos, and shapes that you incorporate into a design become an important element in the message it conveys to the public. Now that you know the psychology behind fonts and logos, do not hesitate to use this knowledge to create a very powerful brand.
This article is contributed by Susanne Loxton. She is the Communications Specialist for Aubiz, a compendium of knowledge about companies in her native Australia. In her spare time, she divides her day between exploring the wonders of nature and writing.