By now you know that there is a long list of operating essentials when starting your own business. Needing insurance and coverage isn’t an exception. Whether your business is home-based or office-based, you need to take every situation that could affect your company into consideration. Because insurance is so important to have, this is why we have included it on our Startup Biz Checklist.
Insurance is a powerful resource that helps protect you and your employees. Think of insurance of another team member in your corner rooting for you to succeed and protecting you from the enemy.
The U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) offers a lot of helpful information on their website. Another good resources for information on business insurance is the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). You can also consult with your legal counsel for more information as well.
Imagine someone breaking into your office and stealing all of your computers. Wouldn’t you want to make sure that all of your hard work and money didn’t go down the toilet? Insurance protects your investments and your business from painful situations, so don’t take the risk of loosing everything.