Cons of Working from Home as an Entrepreneur

Our last post was about the pros of working from home, but now we want you to know about the cons of working from home as an entrepreneur.

We have all been there, stuck in an office dreaming of being able to work from home. Well, today working from home is now becoming the norm for entrepreneurs and the startup industry. Our last post was about the pros of working from home, but now we want you to know about the cons of working from home as an entrepreneur.

Top Cons of Working From Home

  • It takes an extreme amount of self-discipline to start work when you know you don’t have to be at the office by 8 a.m.

  • You are the only person around all day, so there is no outside pressure to be busy.

  • You must be entirely self-motivated.

  • Working alone can be isolating.

  • You miss out on the camaraderie that you get from working with others day after day.

  • There are no coworkers to go to lunch with.

  • You can never escape the office and go home, because you are already there.

  • Working from home can be distracting.

  • Lack of competitive spirit.

  • Working from home can be messy and can take up an entire spare room in your home.

  • You don’t get face time with your coworkers, so it is more difficult to find out about new projects you might be interested in.

  • The boss can’t see that you are working hard or putting in extra hours, so you are judged more on the numbers than your work ethic and other intangible factors.

  • It’s easy to put in too many hours or overwork.

After taking the pros and cons into consideration, do you think you can handle working from home? To work in your PJs or to be isolated and alone, you need to decide what works best for you. Working from home isn’t for everyone, so take the appropriate amount of time to consider everything.

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