Where to Use Your Company Logo

Where to put your company logo.

So you’ve created your logo using our DIY logo maker, now what? You need to start building your brand and your logo is going to be the key ingredient. A logo isn’t just a pretty visual image printed next to your name. It is an integral component of your brand and frequently the first thing a customer sees. Here are some places where you need to be using your new company logo to gain brand exposure.

Places to Put Your Company Logo

  1. Company website
  2. PackagingPut your logo on cups.
  3. Social media profiles
  4. Vehicles
  5. Office decor
  6. Apparel
  7. Business cards
  8. Mugs, cups and water bottles
  9. Signage and banners
  10. Stationery and mailing labels
  11. Promotional items
  12. Presentation templates

When you’re just getting started, you need a powerful logo that communicates your business idea to potential customers. Online and offline, make your company logo front and center so your customers will see it right away. Maintaining the same logo and color scheme over time, as well as consistently using your logo on the places mentioned above, will help you build a lasting brand.

Communicating your brand through your logo on these platforms is only the first step. You need to a branding and marketing strategy. We have some useful blog posts the can help you on the next step. Start growing your business and brand now!

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Logo design tips and branding ideas for startup businesses from the experts at Logogarden.com

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